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Holbrook Mortgage Transaction 2023-1: 02 July 2023

Another stand-alone transaction from Shawbrook (the seventh transaction - all available on who issue under the names Ealbrook, Lanebrook and Shawbrook, and where on this occasion the Issuer will make payments on the Notes from a portfolio of owner occupied mortgage loans and their related security originated by TML to borrowers secured on Properties in England, Wales and Scotland.

As at the Portfolio Reference Date (30 April 2023) the Provisional Portfolio comprises 3,854 first-ranking loans originated by the seller between March 2021 and April 2023 and secured over properties located in England, Wales and Scotland. All loans were subject to a full property valuation. The average current balance is £190,718 and the largest loan is for £995,697. Borrower type: owner-occupier – 95.69%, BTL – 4.31%. Repayment type: repayment – 100.00%. Interest rate type: fixed rate with compulsory future switch to floating – 99.98%. Borrower purpose: purchase – 80.68%, refinancing - 19.32%. The WA current LTV is 70.11% (original LTV was 71.87%) and the WA seasoning is 10.51 months. Additional info: Self-employed borrowers – 44.66%; CCJs – 23.15%. Regional distribution (by current balances): South East – 18.37%, the East of England – 13.12%, North West - 11.80% and London – 9.86%.

UK & EU Risk Retention: On the Closing Date the Seller, as an originator for the purposes of the UK Securitisation Regulation and the EU Securitisation Regulation, will retain on an ongoing basis a material net economic interest of not less than 5% in the securitisation. As at the Closing Date, the Retention will be satisfied by the Seller selecting and holding a pool of randomly selected exposures equivalent to not less than 5% of the nominal value of the securitised exposures, where such non-securitised exposures would otherwise have been securitised in the securitisation, as required by the text of each of paragraph (c) of Article 6(3) of the UK Securitisation Regulation and paragraph (c) of Article 6(3) of the EU Securitisation Regulation.

US Risk Retention: The Seller, as the sponsor under the US Risk Retention Rules, does not intend to retain at least 5% of the credit risk of the securitised assets for purposes of compliance with the final rules promulgated under Section 15G of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, but rather intends to rely on an exemption provided for in Section 20 of the US Risk Retention Rules regarding non-US transactions.

Compare/contrast: Ealbrook Mortgage Funding 2022-1 plc, Lanebrook Mortgage Transaction 2022-1, Tower Bridge Funding 2023-2