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Permanent Master Issuer 2023-2: 26 July 2023

Another Permanent transaction off the Master programme, where the Master Trust property consists of mortgage loans originated by Halifax plc and mortgage loans originated by Bank of Scotland plc.

Notes on the Master Trust: The programme allows for the substitution of the trust property with the assignment of new loans to the mortgages trust; BOS is obliged to repurchase from the trust all loans subject to a further advance; loans subject to product switches will be retained in the trust subject to certain conditions being met; junior classes may be repaid prior to senior classes.

As of the closing date for this issue, there are 96,504 mortgage accounts in the Trust (100% being repayment loans) with an average WA LTV of 71.26% and a WA seasoning of 51.71 mnths. The loans in the expected portfolio as at the cut-off date were originated between March 1996 and March 2023.