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Silver Arrow S.A. Compartment 17: 23 April 2024

Another Silver Arrow transaction, where again the auto loan receivables secured by certain passenger cars and/or commercial vehicles and certain other collateral have all been originated by Mercedes-Benz Bank AG.

Eligibility criteria for inclusion in the pool (include): the loan receivable has been originated by the seller; each receivable has been originated in Germany for the sale of a financed vehicle in the ordinary course of the seller's business and none of the obligors is an affiliate of Mercedes-Benz Bank AG; the obligor is not insolvent; the title to each vehicle is held by the seller; each loan receivable has an original term of no longer than 72 months; each loan receivable has a seasoning above or equal to one month; each obligor is a resident of Germany; no loan receivable is delinquent or defaulted; the monthly instalments are paid by direct debit; the brand of the respective financed vehicle is either a Mercedes or a Smart.

At the cut-off date (29 February 2024) the portfolio of 30,142 loans has been advanced to 29,158 obligors. Client type (by outstanding loan principal): private - 49.36% and commercial - 50.64%. Contract type (by outstanding loan principal): Used Private Balloon - 31.46%, New Commercial Balloon - 23.69%, Used Commercial Balloon - 14.67%, New Private Balloon - 13.42%, others - 16.76%. Vehicle type (by outstanding loan principal): used - 55.39%, new - 44.61%. The average outstanding principal is Eur24,869 and the largest is Eur161,832. The pool is highly granular, with the largest obligor accounting for just 0.03%, the top 5 for 0.15% and the top 20 obligors for 0.49%. The WA seasoning is 17.05 months.

EU Risk Retention: The Seller, as originator, will retain for the life of the transaction a material net economic interest of not less than 5% in the transaction as required by Article 6 of the Securitisation Regulation. As of the Issue Date such interest will, in accordance with Article 6(3)(d) of the Securitisation Regulation, be retained through the holding of the Class B Notes and the Subordinated Loan.

US Risk Retention: The issuance of the Compartment 17 Notes was not designed to comply with the US Risk Retention Rules other than the exemption under Section _.20 of the US Risk Retention Rules, and no other steps have been taken to accomplish such compliance.

STS: As of the Issue Date, Transaction 17 is intended to meet the requirements for simple, transparent and standardised non-ABCP securitisations provided for by Articles 19 to 22 of the Securitisation Regulation.

Compare/contrast: Silver Arrow Comp 16, Bavarian Sky SA German Auto Loans (Comp 13), SC Germany Leasing 2023-1