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Together Asset Backed Securitisation 2024-1ST2 plc: 21 September 2024

The Issuer will make payments on the Notes from payments of principal and revenue received from a portfolio comprising mortgage loans and their related security originated by the Sellers and secured over residential (or, in some cases, mixed-use) properties located in England, Wales and Scotland.

As at the Portfolio Reference Date (31 July 2024) the Provisional Portfolio comprised 3,497 first-ranking mortgage loans with an aggregate Principal Balance of £445,246,899. The average current principal balance per loan is £127,323 and the largest loan is for £4.623mln. Customer type: BTL - 62.6%, owner occupied – 37.4%. Mortgage type: interest only – 58.0%, repayment – 42.0%. Interest type: fixed – 58.6%, variable – 41.4%. Additionally, self-employed borrowers account for 44.0% of current balances, and only 65.6% (by current balances) were subject to a full property valuation. The WA current LTV is 56.1% (original LTV 57.6%) and the WA seasoning is 29.1 months. Regional concentration: Greater London – 22.7%, North West – 17.2%, West Midlands – 9.5% and Outer Metropolitan – 8.3%.

UK & EU Risk Retention: The Sellers, as originators for the purposes of (i) the UK Securitisation Regulation and (ii) the EU Securitisation Regulation as if it were applicable to it, will retain on an ongoing basis a material net economic interest of not less than 5% in the securitisation. As at the Closing Date, such interest will be satisfied by the Sellers collectively holding no less than 5% of the nominal value of each Class of Notes.

US Risk Retention: On the Closing Date, Together Financial Services Limited, as “sponsor” for the purposes of the US Risk Retention Rules, intends to satisfy the requirements of the US Risk Retention Rules by acquiring on the Closing Date and, to the extent required, retaining through the Sunset Date, either directly and/or through one or more of its majority-owned affiliates, an eligible vertical interest equal to a minimum of at least 5% of the aggregate "ABS interests" of the Issuer being, cumulatively, 5% of the Principal Amount Outstanding of each Class of Notes and 5% of the Residual Certificates.

Compare/contrast: Together Asset Backed Securitisation 2024-1ST1, Bletchley Park Funding 2024-1 plc, Duncan Funding 2024-1 plc