Jeronimo Funding DAC: 02 February 2025
A stand-alone transaction, where the Issuer will make payments on the Notes from payments of principal and revenue received from a portfolio of Spanish mortgage loans originated by Unicaja.
All the Mortgage Certificates were issued by Unicaja (or any financial institution that has been taken over, merged with, or acquired by Unicaja at any given time) and represent the economic rights in respect of certain Spanish law governed loan and facility agreements secured by a mortgage and granted to individuals and SMEs for the purposes, mostly, of financing (i) the acquisition, construction or renovation of residential properties located in Spain, or (ii) refinancing of other financings secured by mortgages.
At the portfolio cut-off date, the pool consisted of 5,496 mortgage loans in 4 sub portfolios: Pinsapo – 39.41% (by current balances), Biznaga – 32.93%, Dalia – 18.78% and Ficus – 8.88%. The average loan balance is Eur49,115. Occupancy type: owner-occupied – 90.98%, others – 9.02%. Repayment type : repayment – 98.92%, others – 1.08%. Interest rate type: variable – 96.08%, fixed – 3.92%. The WA indexed CLTV is 56.62% (original LTV was 74.70%) and the WA seasoning is 15.53 years. Additional investor information: MIA>=3 – 8.88%; Restructured loans – 67.98%. Regional concentration: Andalucia – 53.57%, Castilla y León – 13.93% and Madrid – 8.18%.
EU & UK Risk Retention: On the Closing Date Medvida (the Retention Holder) will, in its capacity as originator for the purposes of the EU Securitisation Regulation and the UK Securitisation Framework, acquire and retain a material net economic interest of not less than 5% in the securitisation.
US Risk Retention: No party to the transaction intends to retain at least 5%. of the credit risk of the securitised assets for purposes of compliance with the final rules promulgated under Section 15G of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, but rather intends to rely on an exemption provided for in Section 20 of the US Risk Retention Rules regarding non-US transactions.
Compare/contrast: Lugo Funding DAC